Lab \\\ Features of Training
Physiotherapy and training.
Gravity Control Training
By learning how to use your body more efficiently in this gravity, it will start to move with more ease and better control naturally. Our method teaches the importance of how the center of gravity (fulcrum point) works biomechanically, then we combine it with proper strengthening to create more power and lightness. Our goal is for you to experience the next level athletic performance potential in the way that you’ve never imagined.
Improve range of motion from the brain and the nervous system.
Isolation / Selection / Sequence / Coordination
In many cases just gaining a huge muscle mass can cause more harm than good from an athletic performance standpoint. Getting strength that’s appropriate to its structural integrity and learning how to use your body wisely is the key to reduce unnecessary biomechanical stress which could be causing pain and discomfort.
We use movement to work with the deep core of the issue for long term outcomes.